Autism Dog Guide info!

Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Feel Free To Share like and comment! Also go check out Honeybee's Blog Http://

<3 + =====(___) Mae

Thursday 12 November 2015

Winken Blinken and Nod has arrived!

Oh my goodness!
Rootlebug, Honeybee and I are so excited to tell you all that the  shipment
of my book , Winken Blinken and Nod has arrived!

I've set aside books for those who've already ordered and I'm looking forward to making
some personal deliveries this week with Rootles :3

If you would like your own signed/ sketched in copy just visit my "books for sale" page here
(Please remember to check carefully which paypal button you push for online ordering, there are two,  and please also leave me your name, address if I am mailing your book to you and specify whether you would like a small ink sketch in the front cover of your book!)

For those friends and family close by and may not be comfortable using paypal Rootles and I can
visit and make a delivery and accept real monies, especially if there may be hot chocolate involved X3

Thank you all for your encouragement , love and support in making this happen,
I'm positively over the moon to have published my first book!


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Sneak Peek at my new Children's Book

Here's a little bed time reading from my first published children's book
Winken, Blinken and Nod!
These will be available to purchase here on in my books for sale page, and can be bought via paypal or money in person for friends and family in my area.
They may even make an appearance at Ottawa Pop Expo November 20th 2015!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!
From supportive family, friends encouragement to Rootlebug and Honeybee sharing their time and editing,
I could not have done this without you heart emoticon
heart emoticon + (___)=======

Go Check out the video ---->here<----

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Rootlebug and Mummy's new coat

 This fall when I pulled out my winter coat, I discovered the poor beastie had patch worthy spots , and wasn't big enough to close around Rootlebug and I to wear him in the winter.
*We're a baby wearing family, the little one just HATED the stroller whenever we've tried and its what works for us, and him :) *
Plus, my coat had buttons, not zippers, leaving me unable to buy a zip in panel :/
The coats made specifically for baby wearing at the shops I visited just didn't fit this curvy Mummy, so we decided that we needed something different, something utterly special and a tradition in Canada's north. 

Rootle , Daddy and I researched and looked and decided that an Amauti would be amazing for us, the traditional baby carrying coat from our Northern Aboriginal people. 
We really did do a lot of research, and discovered that some Inuit/Inuk don't mind sharing their traditional wear with mothers of non-Inuk background because they want to share the bond that happens when you wear your children and keep them close. 
We wanted to be respectful of the people and this beautiful tradition and contacted an Inuk owned company and asking if they would mind making one for us, because the design of an Amauti is copyrighted to the Northern people with different styles originating in different areas of the North and for different times of year.
The hard part was looking at our budget, and seeing that there was just NO wiggle room to make this happen :(
Thats when Honeybee came up with an idea for a giant art sale, a giant Amauti art sale, it would be the first time that I would sell my original art! Excitement!
And this is where all of our friends, family and readers really made us feel extremely loved and so valued, when the sale went up online, friends and family jumped for the pieces they wanted <3
Within a couple weeks we had enough money to order,
thanks to all of you who bought original art from Rootlebug and I, and printed greeting cards, we were able to buy our Amauti!

PS. If your still interested in greeting cards and art, they are for sale HERE

Roots and I wanted to wait until it arrived to tell everyone the amazing news and say a great huge THANK YOU! 
To everyone who made it possible for us to have this amazing baby wearing coat <3

So here we go! Pictures of the grand un''boxing'' of our beautiful Amauti


Saturday 31 October 2015

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween !

I hope everyone has a wonderful day no matter how you celebrate :)
Please remember that its EVERYONE'S HALLOWEEN, some kids are non verbal and
can't say trick or treat, or thank you, some have poor motor skills and may take more than one
candy by accident, and some kids like my brother are over 6 feet tall!
Be kind and remember that even though some people look like adults, they're really kids *age wise or function* and besides, anyone and everyone who dresses up or performs a trick deserves a treat!

On Halloween as an autistic adult,

I've ALWAYS loved Halloween! I loved dressing up because I wasn't myself for that night, I could be anything I wanted! Anyone!
I could knock on doors without anxiety because I wasn't me, and literally everyone else was doing it , so I knew I wasn't bothering anyone X)
I love the pumpkins, and how pretty and twinkly they are in the night, the cool air, the people who dress up to answer their doors and the small peeks inside their small universes beyond the closed doors.
I love everything about Halloween, HOWEVER
It can really be a toss up for kids on spectrum.
I love it, my brother HATES it, he's afraid of the scary faced pumpkins, and thinks he's too big, that people will turn him away *kid's been taller than me for the last 3 years and he's only 14! *
He has stamina issues like I do, and doesn't actually eat much candy.
But he loves spending Halloween visiting a neighbour or two, Gramma, and then watching Halloween specials and eating popcorn cozied up at home :)

Its all about celebrating the way that makes you feel safe , happy and comfortable!

My little Rootlebug is a cute fall troll!

Honeybee and I are fall spirits this year carrying a little fall troll for Halloween :)
Trick or Treat! A joke from Rootles and I for all the baby wearers and Mommies *Mummies?* out there :D

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Life is louder now

22 Weeks

That's how long HB and I have been parents 💟

22 Weeks, 8 weeks of boobies feeding H-E double hockey sticks, 3 in our little family, 2 wonderful weeks camping, 1 tiny, toothy baby, and countless diapers!

Life is definitely louder now, but I love it 😺

Rootlebug is an amazing little person, I love watching him explore his world in new ways every day. I wake up to his smile and thumping me good morning, and go to sleep to him laughing in his dreams.
💟He is my most wonderful creation!💟

And I'm still a time lord, my second heart just lives outside of me now, vibrantly full of love and wonder.

Life in our spoonie house will never be the same, and I'm so thankful and happy that life is so loud now.

Love and a spoon

Saturday 30 May 2015

I AM Vs I HAVE Autism! - A perspective

Hi there everyone!
So, as you know we've recently had a beautiful little baby and he's already making HUGE change happen in our lives. Being on spectrum, its hard.
Its really really really hard, but so worth it!
I love my little Rootlebug to the moon and back! X3
This is the last of the full size comics that you'll be seeing for a little while *buu, sadface!*
I promise there will still be little things being posted, at least once a month, I LOVE writing/drawing this blog and I'm determined to keep it going even if its slowly as we adjust to our new lifestyle led by baby :)
Things will just look a little different thats all!
I don't know what I'll get to draw, it could be short little one panels, or maybe more like a strip from the papers, super simple, or maybe just illustrations with my thoughts blogged out like this, but there will be SOMEthing every month.

Alrighty, here we go, until next time big comic format!

Love and a Spoon
<3 (__)=======

Sunday 17 May 2015


SO Honeybee here, We finally had our little boy!  We are now proud parents. 

Rootlebug B Hedgehog!

We are in our 3rd week of being parents and boy it is tough. BUT totally worth it, The blog has been a bit slow due to pregnancy and Having our Rootlebug, But updates will be coming soon. A new comic will be making its way to the blogosphere sometime next week!  Also the computer died and we only have one so yeah, Life will get easier when we get that fixed. Thank you for sticking with us and Please like share and subscribe!


Sunday 15 March 2015


A couple weeks ago we got to take a weekend off at HB's Mum and Dad's house, it was a relaxing work weekend X)
Gramma Di taught us how to make 30 freezer meals and 30 days of work breakfasts for HB for about $100 and one day of prep and cooking. It was pretty epic!
I did the fruit chopping for mini pies and kind of just stayed out of the way, leaving the noise of the processors and all the speedy spicing to the kitchen witches ;)
I just don't move as fast in the kitchen as HB and his Mom, especially not with a big belly full of squirmy baby!

When all the cooking and rushing for the day was done we went to visit our favourite store in Pembroke, Brimstone & Belladonna , the most amazing little esoteric shop ever!
Its very easy to fall in love with B&B AND the two wonderful witches who make it so homey <3
If you're ever in the Pembroke area I definitely reccomend a stop in for any and all ecclectic requirements!

AND THEN.... ... ....
I PLAYED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS for the first time ever XD
And you know what? I had a lot of FUN!
(HB had to help me with picking the right dice and adding them up quickly , but I really had a good time playing my character!)

I played a short ,ugly little half orc named Amy Apocalipstic XD
She's married to a flamboyant, pink leather armoured, Jack Harkness type will do anything with legs, half orc man , Marco Apocalipstic!
(Hes a little nuts, asking his axe ,Hellena Handbasket, for permissions and advice before doing anything EVER)

Amy is more of a hit it with a stick kind of person, FrackaWhacka now ask questions and get healed later type girl *lols*

Here are some sketches from our adventure :D

*the little pencils are mine, blue pen are hb

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Making a baby- Autistic and pregnant

This is my first time blogging by phone, so I hope this works while my computer beasts are on the fritz!

This is a mini zine I drew this week while I was hovering around the house while HB was at work, at 8 months pregnant I find myself too exhausted to do big work at the moment but I still wanted to make a comic this month :)

So here we are, lots of cuteness with a side of positve message, hope everyones having a good week!

Love and a spoon
♡ (___)=======

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Words have power.

Warning, there may be triggers for people who have experienced verbal abuse, but I think I was tactful enough that it should be alright :/

To get a larger image , just right click and open in a new tab to use the magnifying tool :)

Hey there everyone :)
A new comic! I know , I'm excited too! It was kind of a heavy topic, but you knew we would hit some of those eventually.
 Words have power, its so true, a lot of people don't realize the power of  words until they've been on the negative end of a whisper, and still felt their proverbial cheek stinging days later from the whispered slap :/ Its not very nice, but likewise ,kind words can be totally uplifting , and empowering!
*or if you're into spoken slam poetry, some of them out there leave me with brain/body tingles the words have so much to say!*

I have a project for everyone this month, it being the Valentine month, spread the power of good words! Take the time to say something meaningful , nice or empowering to someone, at least once a week or more if you want/can!
It will make that person's day, and their smile will make you smile, keep the good juju in the words, even when you don't think anyone is paying attention, someone always hears you, especially if you have cats,they love being complemented *lols*

Parents especially, keep the good power of words, your children will learn to empower others with their words and feel better about themselves , which is a pretty awesome power in today's world I think . Even if your little one is non verbal, ALWAYS ASSUME COMPETENCE!
They hear you, make sure what you're telling them , even inadvertently, empowers them :)